





职 称


职 务



yd2333云顶电子游戏教授,国际线性代数学会会员, 美国数学评论评论员,中国教育数学学会常任理事, 江苏省运筹学会理事,上海大学《国际张量与矩阵分析研究中心》学术委员会委员,2012年度苏州市高校院所紧缺型人才。1984-1988在安徽大学数学系就读本科,1988-1991年在安徽大学就读硕士研究生并获硕士学位,毕业后在安徽大学数学系留校任教,1995.02-1997.12月在中国科技大学数学系攻读博士研究生并获理学博士学位(导师李乔教授/李炯生教授), 博士毕业后经人才引进回安徽大学工作,2001年被遴选为硕士生导师。2002-2004国家留学基金委公派赴以色列理工大学(Technion-IIT)数学系从事博士后合作研究(合作导师Abraham Berman); 2010.03-2010.06先后访问美国太平洋大学、美国San Jose州立大学和斯坦福大学,2013、2014、2015、2016、2017年访问香港理工大学应用数学系。



主要从事张量计算、高维大数据统计分析、随机张量、完全正张量、完全正伪图与完全正矩阵、范德蒙张量及张量在统计模型的应用等方面的研究。主编《高等代数方法与应用》、《近世代数》和《数学实验与软件计算》教材3部。在SIAM、Linear Algebra and its Applications、Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Operators and Matrices, Frontier of Mathematics in China等SCI和ISTP收录期刊发表论文共86篇,论文引用合计260余次(Researchgate网站统计)。指导美国大学生数学建模比赛获得两个一等奖(2010),指导全国泰迪杯数据挖掘挑战赛获全国二等奖(2017)。


[1] C. Xu, Z. Chen and L, Qi, On {0,1} CP tensors and CP pseudographs, Linear Algebra Appl., 557(2018).

[2] C. Xu and Y.Xu, Tensor convolutions and Hankel tensors, Frontier of Mathematics in China, 12(2017).

[3] C.Xu, Z.Luo, L. Qi and Z. Chen, {0,1}-completely positive tensors and completely positive multi-hypergraphs, Linear Algebra Appl., 510(2016).

[4] L. Qi, C. Xu and Y. Xu, Nonnegative tensor factorization, completely positive tensors and an Hierarchically elimination algorithm, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis Appl., 35 (2014).

[5] C. Xu, Hankel tensors, Vandermonde tensors and their positivities. Linear Algebra Appl., 491(2016).

[6] C. Xu, M. Wang, X. Li, Generalized Vandermonde tensors. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2016(3).

[7] M Wang, Li X, C. Xu*. Positivities of Vandermonde tensors. Linear Multilinear Algebra, 64(2016).

[8] R. A. Brualdi, J. Shao, S. Gong, C. Xu et al, On the extremal energy of integral weighted trees,

Linear Multilinear Algebra, 60(2012).

[9] W. So and C. Xu, A simple sufficient condition for complete positivity, Operators and Matrices,9(2015).

[10] F. Zhang, C. Xu, Contractive matrices of Hua type, Linear Multilinea Algebra,59(2011).

[11] S. Yang and C. Xu, Row stochastic inverse eigenvalue problem, J of Ineq. and Appl.,

DOI: 10.1186/1029-242X-2011-24. SCI

[12] C. Xu, G. Xu and F. Zhang, Revisiting Hua-Marcus –Bellman-Ando inequalities on contractive matrices, Linear Algebr. Appl., 430 (2009).

[13] S. Yang and C. Xu, A note on algorithms for determining the copositivity of a given symmetric matrix, Journal of inequalities and applications, doi:10.1155/2010/498631.

[14] G. Xu, C. Xu and F. Zhang, Contractive matrices of Hua type ,Linear Multilinear Algebra, 59(2011).

[15] S.Yang and C. Xu, On Extreme U1 matrices, Linear Algebra Applications, (2012).

[16] C. Xu, G. Xu and W. So, Soft Clustering with CP matrices, Proc. BMEI 2010,EI.

[17] S.Yang and C. Xu, Copositive matrices with Perron-Frobenius property, Proc.3rd International Workshop on Applied Matrix Theory, 2009, ISTP.

[18] C. Xu, W.So, Soft clustering with CP matrices, Proc. of 3rd CISP, 2010, Vol 7:2958-2961 EI/SSCI.

[19] C. Xu, H. Hao, X. Zhang , Tree growth model under matrix theory, Journal of Xuzhou Institute of Engineering (Science Ed.), 3 (2011): 31-34.

[20] X. Zhang, C. Xu*, H. Hao, High growth rate of trees under the differential matrix model, Journal of Southwest Forestry Univ, 3(2011): 45-48.

[21] C. Xu*, G. Xu, and W. So, Soft Clustering with CP matrices, In 2010 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI2010), pp. 2958-2961. 2010.

[22] C. Xu* and Shangjun Yang, A Note on Algorithms for Determining the Copositivity of a Given Symmetric Matrix, Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2010, (2010): 1-9.

[23] G. Xu, and C. Xu, Sharp bounds for the spectral radius of digraphs, In 14th Conference of the International-Linear Algebra-Society, pp. 1607-1612. 2009.

[24] S. Yang, G. Xu, and C. Xu, A notes on algorithms for determining the copositivity of a given symmetric matrix, In 3rd International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications, pp. 64-67. 2009.

[25] C. Xu, G. Zhou, X. Zhang and H. Hao, Forest growth modelling by differentiation matrix, In 3rd International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications, pp. 369-372. 2009.

[26] C. Xu, Z. Xu and F. Zhang, Revisiting Hua-Marcus-Bellman-Ando inequalities on contractive matrices, Linear Algebra Applications 430, (2009): 1499-1508.

[27] C. Xu, New Results and Problems on the Hua Matrices, Proc. of 3rd International workshop on MAA1, (2009): 228-232.

[28] S. Yang, G. Xu and C. Xu, A notes on algorithms for determining the copositivity of a given symmetric matriz, In The Third International Workshop on Applied Matriz Theory(IWAMT), 2009.

[29] Y. Li, Y. Li and C. Xu, The general solutions of nonlinear matrix equations, Journal of Guangxi Univ. (Sci. ed.), 1(2008): 83-86.

[30] G. Xu, and C. Xu, Stability of Invariant Subspaces of Real Tri-diagonal Matrices, In 8th International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications, pp. 371-374. 2008.

[31] C. Xu and Z. Wang, Notes on conjugate Goldberg problem, College Mathematics, 3 (2008).

[32] C. Xu and J. Zhang, Minimal Ranks of Pattern Matrices, In 8th International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications, pp. 367-370. 2008.

[33] C. Xu and G. Xu, The DLT Algorithm and its improvement, In 14th Conference of the International-Linear Algebra-Society, pp. 355-359. 2007.

[34] B. Abraham and C. Xu, Uniform and minimal {0,1}-cp matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra 55, no. 5(2007): 439-456.

[35] C. Xu and C. Yang, A note on 5x5 completely positive matrices, In 7th International Conference on Matrix Theory and Its Applications in China, pp. 54-57. 2006.

[36] C. Xu and X. Zhang, The mth root of nilpotent matrix, College Mathematics, 6 (2005): 42-44.

[37] C. Xu and X. Zhang, Review of completely positive and fixed matrices, Journal of Anhui Univ. (Sci ed.), 2 (2004): 1-4.

[38] C. Xu, Integer factorization of a complete positive matrix, Mathematics research and review, no.02 (2003): 349-354.

[39] C. Xu, The structure of the 5 th order diagram is completely positive, Journal of computational mathematics, no. 03(2002): 230-235.

[40] C. Xu and Q. Wu, Notes on complete positive matrix decomposition index, Journal of anhui university (natural science edition), no. 03(2002): 10-14.

[41] C. Xu, Complete positive matrix implementation of circles, Mathematics research and review, no.03 (2002): 391-395.

[42] C. Xu, Completely positive matrices of order five, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series, no. 04(2001): 550-562.

[43] C. Xu,Completely positive matrices with cprank(A)=Rank(A), Numerical Mathematics a Journal of Chinese Universities, no. S1(2000): 49-52.

[44] C. Xu, Notes on a perfect positive matrix, Engineering Mathematics, no.03 (2000): 22-27.

[45] C. Xu, Bellman Inequalities, Linear Algebr. Appl., 1995, 229(6):9-14.


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